Monday, January 25, 2016


Hey yall......

So I have had a pretty unbelievable week in my faith this week. Lets back up to who I am and all that.....Sorry I'm just really excited to share this with you because it is definitely life changing. My name is Chris Reid. I am 26 years old, married to the most beautiful woman, her name is Lauren. I have a almost two year old daughter, Layla,  and I also have a daughter due in February, Kaylee. My family is really excited to meet our new daughter. I feel like I am blessed by Jesus more than I could ever deserve. that you have but a glimpse of my life. Let me share with you what I was so excited to tell you in the beginning.

I have a been a Christian for a good majority of my life. I'm not going to say how long because does that really matter? No. Why you ask?? Because I haven't lived like it for a majority of my life. That's hard to admit when you've stood in front of thousands of people, kids, family and acted like I had Jesus all figured out. When the truth is I had know idea how much I needed a daily encounter with Jesus.

I am a worship leader. I have played electric guitar for a long time, most of the time for the glory and furthering of Jesus. Yesterday, 1/24/2016, I got up at 6:30am to head to church to set up my stuff for Sunday. Little did I know that God had this crazy day planned to wreck everything I had known about who I thought he was.

For me Jesus was a thing not a person. I put God on....on Sundays. Kind of  like how you know to grab your wallet, phone and keys in the morning to do life. I grabbed God on Sundays because I knew that's what I was going to do. I was going to go to church and we were going to talk about God.

So the message was about Peter. He was a fisherman, who ultimately dropped his everyday life to literally follow....walk with Jesus, because of a miracle he saw Jesus do. Skip ahead a few years this man, Peter, after seeing many miracles performed by Jesus, denied knowing Jesus out of fear of being persecuted himself. Remember what I said up there ^ about me pretty much living two life styles? I'm not saying I was the worst person. I just felt like I was having to put on a show because I thought I had heard everything I needed to hear about Jesus. I felt like Peter yesterday. The moment Peter realized what he had done. Denying the son of God three times.... WOW. That kind of mental dismemberment would haunt someone for lifetimes.

But guess what that's not the ending!!!

This person that followed Jesus, the same person that gave up everything to simply be close to him, is the same person that denied Jesus. And.....IS THE PERSON JESUS USED TO BUILD HIS CHURCH AFTER HE DENIED HIM! Talk about redemption.... I can bet this is probably one of the greatest comebacks in history.

So does this not start a little if not Huge explosion in your mind?? It doesn't matter what you have done wrong in your life. It doesn't matter if you HAVE been a Luke-warm Christian like ME. Its about today. How will you change your everyday life to include Jesus in every part of it. God sees sin as sin. He does not put different levels on it. He doesn't see a murderer and have it out worse for him that me or you.

Guys I don't have Jesus figured out perfectly. But I feel this is a pretty good place to start over and really, really, really pay attention to what is going on in my life and how can Jesus be 100% apart of it.


Open your bible on your phone, computer, or actual bible if you have one near. Read 1 Peter 
& 2 Peter. If your anything like me you need a daily reminder of who Jesus is suppose to be in your life and a good face to face encounter with a man who walked with him, believed in him, denied him, then chose to really follow what Jesus had commanded. Peter changed the course of history simply by following Jesus.

Wow that felt good to get that off my chest.

First Blog Ever.

Hopefully ill keep sharing my own life with you guys regularly!


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